How do assessments work for students?

This article covers how students can access and complete EP Assessments that are assigned to them.

Once logged in, students can view their My Learning area in their Home page.

They'll see all assigned work that needs to be completed. Assessments are shown with the green Assessment icon. Students can click into the assessment to continue.

If students have received an email about an assigned Assessment, they can also click the link within that email to be taken straight to it!

Starting the Assessment

Once ready, students can click Start Assessment to begin. If required, they may need to enter an Access Code - this will be chosen by and provided by the teacher.

  • Most Assessments have a limited amount of time. Students should ensure that they are ready to begin the Assessment before selecting Start Assessment.
  • If the teacher has enabled full screen monitor mode, students will be prompted to go full screen on their device.
    • This mode doesn't work in Safari, so students may need to switch over to another browser (Google Chrome is best!) to access it. 
    • This mode is not available in browsers on iPad/tablet. Students should download and use the Student App on these devices.

The Assessment will then begin to load. This may take a moment.

Completing the Assessment

Once loaded, students can complete the Assessment by entering answers for each question. Click Next to move on to the next question.

example of an assessment

Students can navigate back and forth by clicking Previous, or by clicking the specific question in the left hand sidebar. 

arrow showing where questions are

Once finished, click Submit on the final question, or Submit Assessment at the top of the screen.

submit button

Students will be asked to review their submission. 

Click Back to assessment if you'd like to go back and change something. If happy, click Submit now.

overview of assessment before submitting

All done! Students will see a submission screen, and it may take a moment for everything to finish loading. 

Don't close this window until the Assessment attempt has been fully saved.

What happens after the Assessment is completed?

To see results, click the Activity tab in the My Learning area and navigate to the specific Assessment. 

Students will be able to see the details of the completed Assessment as well as the grade. For more information on marks, students can click View Marks.

If the final grade is not visible, the assessment will still be awaiting marking and students will need to wait a little longer. 

For more information, check out our article How can students view their Assessment results?


What device or App should students use?

If using a computer or laptop:

We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience with EP.

If an assigned Assessment has full-screen monitor mode enabled, users can not use Safari. Students will need to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

If using a handheld device (iPad/tablet or mobile phone):

Students should download and use the Student App for the best experience.

Assessments with full-screen monitor mode enabled can not be completed in a browser on iPad/tablet. Students must download and use the Student App.

Assessments are not available in any capacity on mobile phones.

Kiosk Mode

If using the Student App on an iPad. students may occasionally encounter a Kiosk Mode error when trying to start a full-screen assessment.

Students should tab Yes when prompted, otherwise, students should:

  • Wait 10 seconds and try again.
  • Close and reopen the Student App.
  • Ensure the Student App is fully up to date.
  • Restart the device.

Full troubleshooting information for Kiosk Mode errors can be found in our article.

Using iOS 12 on iPad

As a result of some recent essential platform updates, EP no longer supports the EP Student App for iPads using iOS 12. 

For those unable to upgrade to iOS 13 at this time, access has been enabled to these users through Safari. To find out how to access EP this way, please see our full guide.

Full screen monitor mode will still be unavailable in Safari. To get around this, users will need to use a different device, or teachers will need to switch off the monitoring feature.

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