How do students earn EP Credits?

You can earn EP Credits by completing work on Education Perfect. Credits can be used to send stickers (also known as Cheers) to your classmates.

You can send your classmates cheer stickers on EP through the Scoreboard or within lessons

As part of the student experience update in July 2024, we've updated our leaderboards. This has meant that students are currently unable to send cheers from the leaderboards - although they can still do so within lessons.

We'll be bringing this back (plus other exciting updates) in the future, so stay tuned for more.

Completing work

When you click to cheer someone, you'll see a popup showing all of the available stickers. If you click one, you'll be told how many credits you have available to spend.

You can earn more EP Credits by completing work on EP. For every 10 points you earn towards your Full Year Score, you will earn 1 EP Credit.

For more information on how to earn points here.

Leaving Feedback

When finishing a lesson on EP, you may be prompted to rate your confidence, and how helpful you found the activity. You can earn 10 EP Credits by doing this.

Feedback prompt - new

Playing Dash

Once you have completed a lesson on EP you might have the opportunity to play Dash. You can earn up to six stars from competing in Dash. 

Each star will randomly allocate you a prize which can include earning stickers or between 1 and 5 EP credits.

Dash reward screen

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