Using AI feedback tool

Please note that the AI feedback functionality is currently in its trial phase.

  • The AI feedback trial is available for a limited selection of extended response questions, specifically excluding multimedia (PDFs, images) or mathematics questions.
  • Our AI works best with English language answers. We're working on adding support for other languages, but for the time being note that non-English answers may not produce useful feedback.
  • The AI Feedback is not available on small screen devices such as mobile phones and certain tablets. The feature is also currently unavailable on the EP native iPad app. To access AI Feedback, please use a larger device (e.g., a laptop) and log in via the EP website:

Navigating and using the AI feedback tool

  1. Go to a task and locate an extended response question that supports AI feedback.
  2. Submit your answer:
    1. Enter your answer in the provided input box.

      Note: Please don't add any personal information about any individual.

    2. Click Check Answer to submit

  3. Wait for the AI feedback to generate. This may take up to 30 seconds as the answer is processed by EP. The feedback is displayed on the right side screen under Personalised suggestions.
  4. Once feedback is generated, you can hover over the underlined text in the answer to get more targeted feedback.

  5. Use the Thumbs Up/Down to help us enhance your experience. If you find the feedback isn't relevant or appropriate, click Thumbs Down and provide additional information to our team. Your input helps us improve.

  6. After reviewing the AI feedback, click Improve My Answer to incorporate the suggested changes. You can refine your response as many times as needed and receive updated feedback with each attempt.

  7. When you’re happy with your answer, proceed to the next question by clicking Got it.

EP representatives will be in regular touch to collect teacher feedback during the trial, but if you wish to reach out to us with an AI question, a technical issue or inaccuracy please send us an email to

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